Friday, November 28, 2008

McCready’s Addiction Problem is Just Like Anyone Else’s, Just More Public

When a celebrity is dragged through the headlines for years, facing rehabs, arrests, incarcerations, probations and more, it’s the same fate suffered by millions of addicts. In their cases, paparazzi, reporters and tabloids make the fates excruciatingly public.

In millions of homes around America, the same scene plays out more privately. Take the case of Mindy McCready, known for several hit country tunes and albums in the mid-1990s. Starting in 2004, Mindy began a public decline, hitting mile markers for overdoses and attempted suicides, assaults given and received, multiple arrests, community service, probation and rehab in Arizona, Florida and Tennessee. Mindy’s drugs of choice, based on arrest records, have been alcohol and OxContin.

Government surveys estimate that more than 22 million people fall into the same category as McCready, abusing illicit drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol to the point that the use damages the abuser’s life.

And the damage spreads outward from there. A 2004 survey found that 63 percent of those surveyed stated that they had been impacted by someone’s addiction, mostly family members.

To read the rest of this article, please go to: McCready Addiction. Or visit the website for Narconon Arrowhead.

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