Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ten Reasons to Take Action Against Addiction: #9: Lost Productivity

In the workplace, substance abuse exacts a huge price. According to Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services, substance abuse costs American business an estimated $166.5 billion each year. Studies in the workplace have found that substance abusers higher numbers of accidents and illnesses. Heavy alcohol users are nearly twice as likely to have changed employers three or more times in the past year.

A 2008 study by Norwich Union showed that a third of workers admitted going to work with a hangover and 15% confessed that they had been drunk at work. A recent survey of human resource professionals found that substance-abusing staff created problems through absenteeism, untrustworthy behavior, damage to the company’s reputation, poor job performance, increased medical costs and conflicts between staff.

The good news is that when a person is employed prior to entering treatment for substance abuse, they generally have a better chance of recovery than a person who was unemployed before entering treatment.

“Simply by eliminating substance abuse and addiction, companies can achieve greater overall productivity from their employees,” noted Derry Hallmark, Director of Admissions at Narconon Arrowhead. Narconon Arrowhead is one of the country’s leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, located in Canadian, Oklahoma. “Those pursuing careers have their best chance of success when they are free from substance abuse. Narconon Arrowhead is proud to support the productivity of America by providing drug and alcohol rehabilitation services with a 70 percent success rate. Every year, we return hundreds of individuals to their homes and their workplaces with a renewed ability to live clean and sober.”

To read the rest of this article, please go to Lost Productivity. Or visit the website for Narconon Arrowhead.

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