Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ten Reasons to Take Action Against Addiction: #3: Domestic Violence

It’s one of our greatest tragedies: men and women who anticipated a loving relationship instead find themselves experiencing violence at the hands of the loved one. In the U.S., nearly one third of female murder victims are killed by an intimate, and the proportion is increasing.

The World Health Organization reported that alcohol consumption, especially at harmful and hazardous levels, is a major contributor to the occurrence of intimate partner violence and that violence is more severe and more likely to result in physical injury when alcohol is involved. Fifty-five percent of American women who had been assaulted by a partner believed their partners to have been drinking before the attack, and 20 percent of men who were attacked by women stated that the woman had been drinking before the attack.

This relationship between alcohol and abuse or violence means that successful rehabilitation of those addicted to alcohol can go a long way to reducing the trauma and loss of domestic violence.

“No one wants to be an addict, no matter what the addicted person says,” stated Derry Hallmark, Director of Admissions at Narconon Arrowhead. Narconon Arrowhead is one of the country’s leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, located in Canadian, Oklahoma. “One of the tragic aspects of addiction is that the condition masks itself. By survey, the primary reason that addicted people do not seek help is that they think they don’t need help. Families can help that person break through that barrier. In our experience, families play a large role in the recovery of people who come to Narconon for help.”

To read the rest of this article, please go to: Domestic Violence. Or visit the website for Narconon Arrowhead.

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Legion said...
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